Thursday 21 April 2011

So, it's Easter. The weather is beautiful and we are trying to enjoy it as much as we can. However we have to spend time making frozen meals and sorting out hospital requirements too.

Sian has severe scolliosis - curvature of the spine and needs a rod inserted into her back to 'straighten her up!'
The operation is scheduled for April 27 we will know the time the day before - but most likely about 7.30am. as she will be in theatre most of the day and be the only case in that theatre that day.

The front view with sloping shoulders - the first clue!

The back view. Check out the
convex right side and the concave left side.


  1. So glad you started this blog! Can I help make any frozen meals or do ANYTHING to help? Please please please let me know as you really helped me when you showed up in Wellington.
    Lots of love to you guys. She will be so much happier without the pain once it's all over. Steph

  2. I'm a friend of Lee Butt's and just wanted to let you know that Sian will be in my thoughts and prayers. My niece had two rods in her back a few years ago and is doing great. I do know two people that have corrected their spines with yoga and Nia. It was a painful process but once the spine corrected itself they were pain free.

    All the best and may the good Lord bless you all.

    Allie Gundry
